About Us

What is Dialogue?

‘Dialogue’ comes from the Greek word dialogos. Logos means ‘the word’ or in our case we would think of the ‘meaning of the word.’ And dia means through – it doesn’t mean two. A dialogue can be among any number of people, not just two. Even one person can have a sense of dialogue within himself [herself], if the spirit of dialogue is present. The picture or image this this derivation suggests is a stream of meaning flowing among and through us and between us.

Dialogue is not only about techniques or skills. It is more than that. It is about the Heart of the Conversation and not just the art & science. It is about our intention and our heart towards the conversation. What is our intention when engaging in dialogue? Are we curious? Are we open to alternatives and asking how we can understand the other person/s and helping them understand us?

Facilitator & Coach Profile

Choon Seng is a Leadership Coach and Professional Facilitator. He has more than 30 years of experience in human resources, organization development and coaching & facilitation in service and manufacturing industries as well as the government services and multi-national companies. He had experience leading the learning and development and human resource functions in the hospitality sector, Japanese manufacturing MNC and leading management development and organization development in Fortune 500 companies, including leading the Corporate University for Sun Microsystems for Asia South.

Choon Seng is certified in numerous psychometric instruments like Gallup Clifton Strengths, Lego Serious Play (LSP)  Emergenetics, MBTI, FiroB, SDI, Benchmarks, DISC and many others. He has delivered various leadership, coaching, change management and facilitation programs for companies and organizations from different industries in the APAC region/

Choon Seng is a Leadership and Career Coach where he has coached and provided career guidance to leaders in the organization and community. Choon Seng is a qualified Gallup Clifton Strengths and combined with the Solution Focused Coaching methodology, he brings out the best in people focusing on their strengths and solutions rather than problem solving.  As a  WIAL Master Action Learning Coach, he also coach teams to both develop leaders and work on organizational challenges. He is the only licensed facilitator of the “The Heart of Coaching” program in Singapore which supports organisations in building that coaching culture. He has more clocked more 250 hours of individual and team coaching.

Choon Seng is one of the first in Singapore to be an International Association of Facilitators (IAF) Certified Professional Facilitator-Master (CPF-M) and is the first Singaporean to be certified as an IAF CPF Assessor in 2006. He is also the only Singaporean to be certified by the World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) as a Certified Master Action Learning Coach.