Leadership Coaching
“Without a Coach, people will never reach their maximum capabilities”
Bob Nardelli, former CEO, Home Depot
Leadership coaching
Choon Seng is a certified Gallup Clifton Strengths Coach and combined with the Solution Focused Coaching methodology, he brings out the best in people focusing on their strengths and solutions rather than problem solving. He is also a Master Action Learning Coach with the World Institute for Action Learning. Coaching is about expanding people’s capacity to create the desired future. It is not telling people what to do, but asking them to examine the thinking behind what they’re doing so it is consistent with their goals.
Choon Seng‘s coaching is about giving people the gift of his presence, asking questions, listening. Reach out to us if you wish to explore having a leadership coach to support your growth and development as a Leader. Be trained as a Coach. Besides providing Coaching Services, Choon Seng also runs coaching and mentoring workshops for managers and leaders who wished to be equipped with the skills of a manager as a coach. He is also the only licenced facilitator and Alliance Partner in Singapore for “The Heart of Coaching Workshop’ in partnership with Crane Consulting https://craneconsulting.com

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them”
Tim Gallway- Inner game of Golf, Inner game of work
Coaching Cultures
In coaching cultures, all members of the culture courageously engage in candid, respectful coaching conversations with one another, unrestricted by reporting relationships, about how they can improve their working relationships and individual and collective work performance.
“Masterful Coaching is about inspiring, empowering, enabling people to live deeply in the future, whole acting boldly in the present”
Robert Hargrove – Masterful Coaching